How do you know you're on the right track? Well, when Apple is heading in the same direction, that's how! 🙌🏽
Apple's recent patent on equipping AirPod with bio-sensing electrodes and a possible coming Neural-Interface validates our technical direction!

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It confirms alignment with our roadmap and the imminent emergence of a Neural Interface market with earphones as a winning form factor—a concept we've explored since day one.

The patent reveals crucial insights that underscore its promise for Wisear:
1. Apple's patent emphasizes the collection and utilization of brain (EEG), eye (EOG), and muscular (EMG) activity signals— an approach Wisear has diligently pursued to develop our human-machine interface based on neural-interface technology

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2. The patent also explores the potential addition of a cable between the earphones to enhance signal collection. We are going even further - after facing significant challenges - in achieving low noise bioelectrical signal collection from just a single earpiece, with both active and reference electrodes in close proximity! Countless iterations were dedicated to creating a successful prototype for our Neural Interface, ensuring seamless integration into True Wireless Earphones. Special recognition to Preben Kidmose and the Center for Ear-EEG in Aarhus for their pioneering research in this field

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3. Apple's mention of placing sensors on the temples of glasses aligns with our long-term vision of equipping every wearable device, particularly our AR Glasses, with Neural Interface technology

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4. The patent describes multiple approaches to optimize signal quality for individual users, such as incorporating up to 22 electrodes on a single earpiece and employing machine learning algorithms to identify the most relevant electrodes for obtaining the best possible signal.

5. Interestingly, Apple dedicates minimal focus to potential applications of this bioelectrical data collection, limited to detecting if the user has their eyes opened/closed (known as alpha-blockade measurement)—akin to the "Hello World" of bioelectrical signal collection & processing. We eagerly await further insights into Apple's decision to integrate a substantial number of sensors into their existing AirPods.We will be monitoring closely any related developments and news in the coming months!

The future of Neural Interfaces holds immense potential, and we are excited to be a part of this groundbreaking journey 🎧🧠

👉 To read the full article from media Patently Apple, follow the link